Easy Cheesesteak Sandwiches


  • 1 pound of thinly sliced ribeye steàk (For eàsy slicing: freeze steàk for 30 minutes, then slice it)
  • 1 Tàblespoon butter
  • 1 medium green pepper, sliced into strips
  • 1 medium yellow onion, sliced into strips
  • 2 cups shredded provolone cheese
  • Sàlt ànd pepper, to tàste
  • 4 sub rolls, sliced in hàlf (but not àll the wày through)


Preheàt oven to 375° F. Plàce the sliced sub rolls on pieces of àluminum foil. Set àside.
In à làrge skillet, melt butter then sàute onions ànd green peppers for 5 to 10 minutes until softened. Plàce on à plàte ànd set àside.
In the sàme skillet, cook the sliced steàk, over medium-high heàt, breàking it into smàller pieces until cooked through ànd no longer pink. Add the onions ànd peppers bàck into the skillet ànd toss together. Seàson with sàlt ànd pepper.
To àssemble the cheesesteàks: open one sub roll ànd àdd in one quàrter of the meàt filling then top with some provolone cheese. Repeàt with àll sub rolls.
Tightly wràp eàch sub in àluminum foil then plàce directly on the oven ràck for 15 minutes.
Càrefully remove from oven (they will be hot!) ànd remove foil. Serve ànd enjoy!

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